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  • Microsoft Teams

    Sat 20 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    As the school want to move forward with Microsoft Teams to enhance your child's learning experience, all the children have had individual accounts created.


    The video interactions on Teams will be beginning 22nd June, so it is advised that you download Microsoft Teams and try logging in before then.


    This can be done on any device and to do so, you can download it from: Microsoft Teams or you can use Google Play/App Store on your smart phones/devices.


    Your child's login details is their PurpleMash login, however, their username will have '' at the end.

    For example:


    Password: 2485


    This 'How to join a meeting' guide shows you the step-by-step process to joining the class meeting.


    As well as a text being sent out with the date and time of the meeting, we will also put it on your class page prior to the meetings.


    Thank you for your continued support. It is extremely appreciated.

  • Zoom Session Yrs 1-6

    Sun 07 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers


    As school continues to be closed during these unprecedented times, our teachers in Years 1-6 are excited to be hosting a ‘zoom’ session each morning this week and next, Monday to Thursday.


    Each session will be for no longer than an hour and teachers will spend some time chatting with the class and sharing the days learning. Children in class will also be able to see each other and have a short ‘catch-up.’


    On class pages, you will receive a meeting ID and the password will be sent via text; please use this to log on to your class meeting. Please ensure the school office have your up-to-date contact number for you to receive the text.


    Work packs will be available to collect from outside of school from lunchtime each Thursday for those who have requested a paper copy.


    Take care and keep safe,



    Mrs K Tustin


  • Coronavirus updates

    Sat 06 Jun 2020
    Please see our Coronavirus page with letters that have been sent out to parents regarding COVID-19 and the re-opening of school.